What is Herbal Medicine?

It is the oldest form of healing in the world. In today’s world it is usually referred to as “alternative medicine” but it’s actually the original.

Today’s herbalist relies on time-tested traditional treatment methods blended with modern scientific research. And while we do not prescribe pharmaceutical remedies, we know how to check for any possible incompatibilities between prescription drugs you might take and the herbs we might prescribe.

Herbal medicine is holistic and individualistic; it treats the whole person—physically and emotionally and as a unique individual—we have no standard treatments, a headache is not just a headache, it is YOUR headache so we treat you, not the headache.

Modern medicine tends to go after pathogens to kill them; that is often necessary but not the whole story. Herbalists want rebalance your body to help its natural healing properties work better.

The goal of herbal medicine is to return you to good health and keep you that way by building up your natural ability to ward off disease and the general stresses of modern life and aging. We see health as overall wellbeing, not simply the absence of disease. We believe that the body has what it takes to heal itself, though it sometimes needs a little help to get it moving in the right direction. We see disease as imbalances to be corrected rather than alien invasions to be attacked.

Think of your body as an organic garden, nurturing the soil in order to grow healthy plants naturally. On the other end of the spectrum is the gardener who applies chemical fertilizers every year and sprays plants with toxic chemicals. Which one do you choose for your body?