Hello! Thanks for stopping in.

My name is Lindy Biggs and I want to introduce myself and my practice.

I am a clinical herbalist. After I retired early from university teaching, I began studying herbal medicine; it had called to me for my entire adult life and I finally had the time to dive in.

I had chronic health challenges most of my life and first sought help in the world of conventional medicine. I was told repeatedly that “it was all in my head.” Over the years I’ve heard and read the same story from many women and men. I found help through homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, and herbal medicine. They all helped but I still didn’t feel whole.

It was not in my head and it’s not in your head! You can feel better.

My education in medicinal herbalism has reinforced what I had learned from practitioners and my own reading over the years, but it took me much deeper. I feel that I have conquered many of my old health challenges and have a resilience that I could only dream of in the past.

After six years of study, I have opened my own practice to help others find solutions to their challenges. The formal coursework is a small part of my herbal education. In addition to the certificate programs that I enrolled in, I have attended hundreds of hours of advanced seminars such as autoimmune disorders, neurochemistry, emotional distress, cancer support, digestive issues, pain, and more.

I use a blend of classic western herbalism with a mix of Chinese medical diagnostics and herbs, as well as the herbs from the Ayurvedic tradition that have entered the western pharmacopeia.

My approach is holistic, which means that I treat you as a whole person and I look for the deep roots of whatever challenge you face. For example, you’d be surprised at the number of issues that arise from unhealthy gut flora. Stress and old trauma are also at the root of many health concerns.

I have studied sleep problems in depth but also help people struggling with emotional, digestive issues, pain, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and whatever health challenges confront you. I’m ready to guide you to better health.

The wound is the place where the Light enters you. ~ Rumi